Many years have gone into the research and development of "The Elysian Fields and Pasture Project" methods; these methods have many facets - from deep rooted muti-mixtured "Seed Pellet" Seeded pasture swards and crops, "Absorption Fertility" via "Keypoint Solutions" - Keyline Pattern Cultivated Pastures and Earthworks, In-field technical high tensile assets including Fence, Orchard - Vineyard and Hay Trellis, Mentoring, Planning and Implementation, etc.
- Royal A. Purdy - Owner - Author.- "The Elysian Fields and Pasture Project" Discussion of A. H. Tuttle and Company Divisions - Clear Choice (c) - Elysian (c), Yeomans Keyline Plow Sales and Service, Grazing Pasture and Ley Profit Oriented Cropping Concept Systems and sub-systems as applied to Natural Farming of Broadacre Farmscapes, and "The Elysian Fields and Natural Ley Pastures Farming System", brought to you by “Keypoint Solutions”